This early in the season is the perfect time to visit. Before the tourism season picks up, it's an incredible sense, feeling like you're nearly the only person in the entire canyon. If you visit Boyden Cavern before Memorial Day, there are discounts available... look for the coupon on our Facebook page or our monthly newsletter (The May issue isn't out yet, but here's April.)
The irony that made me laugh out loud to myself: A good-sized rock fell onto the road within 5 feet of the gate on the very same afternoon that it was opened. The lesson: Just because CalTrans has done an amazing job cleaning up winter's landslides and patching the holes where chunks of the road were gouged out by falling rocks, it doesn't mean that we don't need to be cautious anymore. Rock fall is a regular occurrence through the year, and CalTrans is cleaning it up all the time, but visitors driving in the Canyon should still be aware of the possibility that you may come upon rocks in the road, so drive carefully!
Hope to see you soon!
~Michal Lisa~
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