Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Current Activities and Updates
We are very sorry to inform the wonderful visitors of Giant Sequoia National Monument that there are no updates as to when Boyden Cavern may re-open. We have been working with the Forest to finalize permits. With that completed we are now working with the Forest engineer to get the Lead Abatement contractor approved and scheduled ASAP. However, as we approach Fall and the eventual seasonal closure of highway 180 it is uncertain if we will be able to begin any actual repairs, therefore we would start Spring of 2018.  

 Although the engineering approval process seems to be excessively long, in all fairness to the engineers and fine folks working to get this bridge project completed, we are not without some issues from Mother Nature.  Recently a fairly large rock slide down the embankment above the bridge, contacted the bridge and actually created a Bend or Bow in the I Beams. We are now waiting on the official word  regarding the usability of these giant steel I- Beams, see pictures.
Look toward the center of the photo and just above the I Beam Bolts, there is our rock.