Thursday, April 28, 2016

Minor Update 
 Please read beyond this entry for most up to date Information

Here is a link to the Porterville Reporter which talks a little about road and trail conditions into Kings Canyon. Rough Fire Road and Trails

Time to replace our Generators, any ideas on propane Gensets?

Kings gates and Boyden Cavern. Although looking good here fire burned along the marble roof pendant down to the Kings river

Monday, April 18, 2016

  Thank you all our valued guests:

We have been unable to appropriately update everyone on the status of Boyden Cavern until now and for that.....we are sorry.

WE did NOT lose the gift shop...... Many of you were very concerned for us and our loss, thank you for showing such kindness.

Unfortunately the news is marginal and will be some time before we know the "Rest of the Story". After the Rough fire last fall, Sequoia National Forest Ranger District closed off he entire area and only allowed short site visits to our area. Without enough time to access the damage to the surrounding Boyden infrastructure we believed that replacement of some of the trail, cleaning of the little Gift shop and rebuilding our generator building along with replacing the two propane 20Kw generators (see pics below), was about the extent of our damage. With bridge decking in hand, cement and a crew we would have been operational early May.

The unforeseen... Spring is here and highway 180 into the canyon is in great shape, thanks to a wonderful Cal-trans crew who takes a lot of pride in their work maintaining the highway. After a revisit by the United States Forest Service and it's engineer there seems to be concerned that the fire damaged the superstructure of one the bridges leading up to the cavern. Now we are waiting for word back from their people as to what needs to be inspected again and whether we will need a full-on team to rebuild the little walking bridge.

The future is all about getting our bridge back into some sort of safe form, this variable is the unknown and we will have to wait for official word from the Government. Our hopes are to be open by the end of May and before Memorial weekend. However please keep an eye on our Blog for the most up to date information.

Cavern and Gift shop are currently closed, there is NO public access to Boyden at this time. Unfortunately we are not taking reservations because we have no idea when we will resume operations.

This is the site of our power generation, we had two 20Kw Generators that operated on propane.

Unfortunately the building with the Gen Set also housed a lot of tools and equipment including welders, steel for trail and handrails, cement etc....

 Trees burned and then fell, the roots system supported parts of this trail section and when it went over the trail came up with-it.

One of the bridges that burned, this one may be ok After we re-deck it.